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Showing posts from September, 2017

Compartmentalization helps with Deep Work

I had been trying to learn Solidity/Ethereum over the weekends for the past few months and the first 3-4 weekends were a drag as no matter what I do I wasnt able to focus and getting no where. The problem was not with motivation as I was trying to do it for many weeks but all I was able to do was read 100s of blog posts about it but not able to code anything. Aparently I realized that on weekdays most of my work is in the "study" room whereas on weekend I was trying to do it in the living room. Now working in study on wekeend was an issue as it felt more like work than fun so last 2 weekends I tried changing the schedule and went 3 hours every Sunday to library with my son and while he was reading books I was coding in solidity. I also had trouble writing code after 7:00 PM as I thought my brain was tired but last week I tried sitting in study around 10:00 -11:00 in night and boy I was able to focus and code. Net Net I realized that: "Having a consistent Routine