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Showing posts from September, 2014

Junit Expected Exception checking Part2

It seems in my previous post the way I was sending error response was not the way UI was expecting it so I had to refactor code and used hibernate validator but it posed some issues in exception validation. The code in REST api changed to     public Response search(@Context User user, FolderSearchRequest folderSearchRequest) throws ApplicationException {         Set<ConstraintViolation<FolderSearchRequest>> violationResult = validator.validate(folderSearchRequest);         if (!violationResult.isEmpty()) {             Set<ConstraintViolation<?>> violations = new HashSet<ConstraintViolation<?>>(violationResult);             throw new ValidationException(violations);         } and the pojo changed to @Data @AllArgsConstructor @NoArgsConstructor public class FolderSearchRequest {     public static final Integer DEFAULT_LIMIT = 30;     public static final Integer DEFAULT_OFFSET = 0;     @NotBlank     @Size(min = 3)     private String query;     @

Junit Expected Exception checking

I was writing a temporary REST api for folder search until the elasticsearch based api is live. The api has some validation code and I was trying to test it.     @POST     @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)     @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)     public Response search(@Context User user, FolderSearchRequest folderSearchRequest) throws ApplicationException {         if (StringUtils.length(folderSearchRequest.getQuery()) < 3) {             throw new GenericRestServiceException(ErrorCode.FailedValidation, INVALID_QUERY_MSG);         }         if (folderSearchRequest.getStart() < 0) {             throw new GenericRestServiceException(ErrorCode.FailedValidation,                     INVALID_START_MESSAGE);         }         if (folderSearchRequest.getLimit() <= 0) {             throw new GenericRestServiceException(ErrorCode.FailedValidation,                     INVALID_LIMIT_MESSAGE);         } At first I was writing code like     @Test(expected=Generi