I was writing a temporary REST api for folder search until the elasticsearch based api is live. The api has some validation code and I was trying to test it.
public Response search(@Context User user, FolderSearchRequest folderSearchRequest) throws ApplicationException {
if (StringUtils.length(folderSearchRequest.getQuery()) < 3) {
throw new GenericRestServiceException(ErrorCode.FailedValidation, INVALID_QUERY_MSG);
if (folderSearchRequest.getStart() < 0) {
throw new GenericRestServiceException(ErrorCode.FailedValidation,
if (folderSearchRequest.getLimit() <= 0) {
throw new GenericRestServiceException(ErrorCode.FailedValidation,
At first I was writing code like
public void testQueryMinimumChars() throws ApplicationException {
sut.search(null, new FolderSearchRequest("te", 0, 20));
public void testNegativeStart() throws ApplicationException {
sut.search(null, new FolderSearchRequest("test", -1, 20));
Only issue with this was that I wont know what exception is thrown. It seems Junit has a concept of ExpectedExceptions and you can check much more about expected exceptions than the annotation way.
The same code can be written as
public class FolderSearchEndPointUnitTest {
private FolderSearchEndPoint sut = new FolderSearchEndPoint();
public ExpectedException expectedException = ExpectedException.none();
public void testQueryMinimumChars() throws ApplicationException {
sut.search(null, new FolderSearchRequest("te", 0, 20));
public void testNegativeStart() throws ApplicationException {
sut.search(null, new FolderSearchRequest("test", -1, 20));
Edit: I had to change this code to do more detail exception checking and that is mentioned at http://astartupguy.blogspot.com/2014/09/junit-expected-exception-checking-part2.html
public Response search(@Context User user, FolderSearchRequest folderSearchRequest) throws ApplicationException {
if (StringUtils.length(folderSearchRequest.getQuery()) < 3) {
throw new GenericRestServiceException(ErrorCode.FailedValidation, INVALID_QUERY_MSG);
if (folderSearchRequest.getStart() < 0) {
throw new GenericRestServiceException(ErrorCode.FailedValidation,
if (folderSearchRequest.getLimit() <= 0) {
throw new GenericRestServiceException(ErrorCode.FailedValidation,
At first I was writing code like
public void testQueryMinimumChars() throws ApplicationException {
sut.search(null, new FolderSearchRequest("te", 0, 20));
public void testNegativeStart() throws ApplicationException {
sut.search(null, new FolderSearchRequest("test", -1, 20));
Only issue with this was that I wont know what exception is thrown. It seems Junit has a concept of ExpectedExceptions and you can check much more about expected exceptions than the annotation way.
The same code can be written as
public class FolderSearchEndPointUnitTest {
private FolderSearchEndPoint sut = new FolderSearchEndPoint();
public ExpectedException expectedException = ExpectedException.none();
public void testQueryMinimumChars() throws ApplicationException {
sut.search(null, new FolderSearchRequest("te", 0, 20));
public void testNegativeStart() throws ApplicationException {
sut.search(null, new FolderSearchRequest("test", -1, 20));
Edit: I had to change this code to do more detail exception checking and that is mentioned at http://astartupguy.blogspot.com/2014/09/junit-expected-exception-checking-part2.html
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